Kelas XI
Latihan Soal B.Inggris
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
Bakti : Where have you been?
Nuri : I visited Anis.
Bakti : (1) Is she alright?
Nuri : No, she’s not. (2) She is low in spirits.
Bakti : I’m sorry to hear that. (3) What happens to her?
Nuri : Well, she didn’t pass her TOEFL test. So, (4) she failed
to get a scholarship to study abroad.
Do you have any idea to help her?
Bakti : Well, please tell Anis that she still has a chance to
study abroad. There will be a student expo in the city
hall next week. Some reputable universities from
Singapore, Australia, England and the United States
will open their stands there. These universities usually
offer some scholarships to foreign students. She can
get some information about them.
Nuri : (5) That’s a good idea. Thank you for the information.
I hope this might help her.
B. Complete the following statements based on the
dialog in Task A.
1. Anis’ house 2. Anis is in low spirits
3. she failed her TOEFL test 4. the city hall
5. reputable universities
C. Listen and answer the following questions based on
what you have heard.
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : The school holiday is coming very soon. What are your
Girl : I don’t have any plans yet. What about you?
Boy : Well, I’m going to visit my uncle in North Sumatra. You
know, his house is near Lake Toba. I want to fish and
travel by boat there. Do you want to come along?
Girl : That would be great, but I don’t think my parents will
allow me to go.
Boy : What if I go to your house and tell your parents about it?
They may then allow you to go. Understand?
Girl : Er ... I don’t think it’s a good idea. Please don’t bother.
Have a nice holiday.
1. Classmates.
2. About their plans for the coming school holiday.
3. To his uncle’s house in North Sumatra.
4. She thinks it will be great, but her parents may not allow her
to go.
5. She doesn’t think it is a good idea.
D. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Woman : Where are you off to, dear? It’s already 7:30 p.m.
Man : I’m going for dinner at Mutiara Restaurant.
Woman : Dinner? Who’s it for?
Man : It’s for my new director, Mr. Garret. Anyway, do I look
Woman : Well, I must say that coat really suits you. You look
Man : Thank you. I want to look my best for the new leader
of my company. Bye, dear.
Woman : Bye. Take care.
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C
4 Reports
4. A. You’d better do it now.
B. Thank you for your opinion.
C. Yes, you may go now.
D. I have the same opinion as you do.
E. Thanks, I’m satisfied already.
5. A. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
B. I’m not sure it will work well.
C. You will have the final exam next month.
D. I’m sure you will pass the final exam.
E. You have to be more independent.
1. D. Dalam percakapan, anak laki-laki itu ingin
memberikan hadiah ulang tahun sebuah boneka
Barbie kepada Emily. Ia meminta pendapat ibunya.
Respons yang tepat diucapkan ibunya yaitu
menyatakan pendapat, setuju atau tidak. Jadi,
respons yang tepat yaitu pilihan jawaban (D) yang
menyatakan persetujuan.
2. B. Anak laki-laki itu meminta pendapat teman
bicaranya tentang pertunjukan Super Junior tadi
malam. Respons yang tepat yaitu memberi
pendapat dan pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya
pertunjukan itu luar biasa, benar.
3. E. Dalam percakapan, anak perempuan itu meminta
pendapat anak laki-laki tersebut apabila ia membeli
kamus. Respons yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut
yaitu menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju. Pilihan
jawaban yang menunjukkan tidak setuju yaitu
(E) yang artinya saya rasa kita tidak memerlukannya.
4. D. Dalam percakapan, wanita itu menjelaskan bahwa
satu sepeda motor tidak cukup untuk mereka
berempat. Kemudian, ia meminta pendapat laki-laki
tersebut apabila mereka membeli mobil. Respons
laki-laki yang tepat yaitu pilihan jawaban (D) yang
berarti laki-laki itu sependapat dengan wanita
tersebut. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
bukan respons yang tepat, tidak sesuai dengan
5. A. Anak perempuan itu meminta pendapat ayahnya
untuk melanjutkan sekolah di Bandung. Respons
yang tepat diucapkan ayahnya yaitu menyatakan
pendapatnya, setuju atau tidak setuju. Jadi,
ungkapan/respons yang tepat yaitu pilihan jawaban
(A) yang artinya saya rasa itu bukan ide bagus.
B. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs
in Task A.
Dialog 1
1. Brother and sister.
2. He’s playing games incessantly.
3. She thinks playing games incessantly will harm his eyesight
and nerves. It also makes him lazy.
4. It refers to the influence of playing games incessantly on
5. We should not play games incessantly. Besides, we should
pay attention to our future and health.
Dialog 2
1. They communicate via mobile phones. Mrs. Sifa opens the
conversation by saying, “Denok, it’s me, Mom.”
2. She asks Denok to cook fried noodles for her brother.
3. She thinks that it’s not a good idea because consuming fried
noodles too often is not good for health.
4. She agrees with that.
5. She doesn’t think it is good for health.
A. Practice the following dialogs with a friend.
Dialog 1
Hera : What are you reading, Jude?
Jude : Er ... a comic book.
Hera : I think you should not read comic books too often.
They may harm your imagination.
Jude : Why do you say?
Hera : Well, comic books present everything, stories and
illustrations. So, you only follow the writer’s
imagination. Do you know what I mean?
Jude : Yes, but I have a different opinion from yours.
Hera : Well, tell me then.
Jude : In my view, reading comics enriches my imagination
and improves my skill on illustrations. I love
drawing, you know, and I learn a lot from comics’
Hera : I see. Well, let’s not argue about it.
Dialog 2
Ms. Indra : Where are you going, dear?
James : Um ... I’m going to play futsal, Mom.
Ms. Indra : Can you put it off for a while? I need a favor.
James : Sure, Mom. How can I help you?
Ms. Indra : Please buy me aspirins. I have a terrible
James : Sorry, Mom. I don’t think taking an aspirin for
your headache is a good idea. You should see
a doctor. Let me take you there, O.K.?
Ms. Indra : O.K. Take me to doctor Triana then. She’s
a good doctor, I think.
James : Yes, she is. So, can we go now?
Ms. Indra : O.K., let’s go.
B. Answer the following questions based on the
dialogs in Task A.
Dialog 1
1. What is the dialog about?
2. What does Hera think about reading comic books too
3. What is Jude’s opinion about reading comic books?
4. What is Jude’s hobby?
5. Hera says, “Well, let’s not argue about it.” What does ‘it’
refer to?
Dialog 2
1. What is James going to do?
2. Why does Mrs. Indra interrupt James?
3. What’s wrong with Mrs. Indra?
4. What does James suggest Mrs. Indra?
5. What is Mrs. Indra’s opinion about doctor Triana?
Task B
Dialog 1
1. It’s about the speakers’ opinions of reading comic books.
2. She thinks reading comic books too often may harm
Jude’s imagination.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 5
A. Complete the dialog with the suitable expressions
from the box.
Then, practice it with your friends.
a. Let’s hope for the best!
b. That’s what I think about.
c. it can be very dangerous.
d. What’s your opinion, dear?
e. The track is so monotonous.
f. Why’s that, Mom?
Mr. Alfrid : What do you think if we go to the beach next
Soni : That would be great, Dad. We can play at the
beach and ride an ATV.
Mr. Alfrid : (1) ________
Mrs. Alfrid : In my opinion, spending the holiday at the
beach is not a good idea.
Soni : (2) ________
Mrs. Alfrid : You know, the waves are big and rough
currently and (3) ________
Mr. Alfrid : Your mom is right. The weather is not friendly
Soni : If that’s so, I will not play at the beach. I just
want to ride an ATV.
Mrs. Alfrid : I think you can ride ATV in Tlatar Park.
Soni : No, Mom. Riding an ATV at Tlatar Park is not
challenging. (4) ________
Mr. Alfrid : Well, let’s monitor the weather for the next
couple of days. We will go to the beach if it’s
fine. O.K.?
Soni : O.K., Dad. I do hope it will be sunny next
Mr. Alfrid : (5) ________
B. Answer the following questions based on the dialog
in Task A.
1. What is the Alfrids’ plan for next Sunday?
2. Why is Soni so enthusiastic to go there?
3. What is Mrs. Alfrid’s opinion about the plan?
4. Why does Soni not like riding an ATV at Tlatar Park?
5. What is the Alfrids’ final decision?
3. Jude thinks he can enrich his imagination and improve
his skill on illustrations by reading comic books.
4. Drawing.
5. It refers to reading comic books too often.
Dialog 2
1. He is going to play futsal.
2. She needs him to buy aspirins.
3. She has a terrible headache.
4. She should see a doctor.
5. She’s a good doctor.
C. Complete the dialog with the suitable expressions
from the box.
Then, practice it in pairs.
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. b
Task A
1. d 2. f 3. c 4. e 5. a
Task B
1. They plan to go to the beach.
2. Because he wants to play at the beach and ride an ATV.
3. She doesn’t think that going to the beach is a good idea.
4. In his opinion, the track is so monotonous.
5. They will go to the beach if the weather is fine.
D. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order
to form a sequential dialog.
Then, practice it in pairs.
The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–7–1–8–3–5–2–6.
A. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order
to form a sequential dialog.
Then, practice it in pairs.
1. Reni : Hooray! Let’s go!
2. Reni : What? How could that be a deal?
3. Reni : I’m hungry and thirsty. Let’s go to the batagor
stall over there.
4. Reni : Yes! Come on, I cannot wait to enjoy es teler!
5. Reni : Let me tell you this. There are various kinds of
ices at the batagor stall. I want es teler.
Furthermore, they also provide delicious siomay
and mie bandung. Please?
6. Yulia : Well, after considering, I don’t think your idea is
bad at all.
7. Yulia : Yes or no?
8. Yulia : Wait ... wait! I will go with you to enjoy batagor
and es teller, but you must pay for me. Deal?
9. Yulia : Er ... I don’t feel like eating batagor now. What
about having bakso at Bu Hamdan’s stall? The
bakso and chicken noodles are yummy.
B. Answer the following questions based on the dialog
in Task A, orally.
1. Who are probably talking in the dialog?
2. What are the girls feeling?
3. What does Yulia suggest?
4. What is Reni’s opinion about Yulia’s idea? Why?
5. Who will pay for the food and drinks? Why?
Task A
The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3–9–5–6–1–8–
Task B
1. Two friends, Reni and Yulia.
2. They are feeling hungry and thirsty.
3. She suggests they eat bakso at Bu Hamdan’s stall.
4. She doesn’t agree. She prefers batagor to bakso
because there are many choices at the batagor stall.
5. Reni will pay for them because Yulia agrees to go to the
batagor stall only if Yulia pays for her meals.
6 Reports
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Have you ever been to countries with cold climates?
What are houses there like? Well, let me tell you this.
In cold climates there is more rain and snow than
there is sun. That’s why, the houses there have steep and
sloping roofs. Do you know why? To allow the snow slide
down from the top, otherwise there is a risk of the roof
breaking under its weight!
The windows are small, to keep the warm air inside
and the cold air out. The walls are large and painted, to
absorb as much heat as possible. Rooms are small and
the beds are often four-postered. Let me give you
an example. In Russia, the beds are often mounted on
big, ceramic heaters!
When it is cold, there are also shorter daylight hours
which bring valuable heat from the sun. This is why, until
quite recently, the kitchen was the main room of the
house, getting heat and light simultaneously.
Nowadays, houses in many cold countries have
central heating and electricity to provide light all day. But
not long ago, reading a book in the warmth whilst it
snowed and rained outside seemed like a miracle–not
only at home, but also at school.
Adapted from: Maureen Spurgeon (trans), 366 Questions & Answers,
England, Brown Watson, 1992.
E. Create dialogs based on the following
Then, practice them in front of the class.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Your sister : Mom and Rafa, there is a modern dance club
at school and I want to join. What do you think?
You : Well, in my opinion, it’s good. You will have
more friends. You can also improve your
skills and self-confidence. What do you
think, Mom?
Your mother : I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t want
you to wear a sexy dress.
Your sister : Sorry, Mom. Let me explain. This modern
dance club is not like that. The dancers
wear modest dresses, Mom. Besides, they
perform on special occasions.
You : Yes, Mom. Farah is right. I know this dance
club and the dancers dress modestly.
Your mother : Well, let me consider it.
2. You : Mom, Dad, can I have your time, please?
Your mother : Sure, dear. What’s up?
You : Mom, you know Jihan, don’t you?
Your mother : Yes. What’s wrong with her?
You : Nothing, she’s alright. I just want to tell you
that she has joined a craft course for four
months and she can make many beautiful
crafts from clay now. I think I would like to
join the course. What do you think?
Your mother : That’s good. I support you one hundred
percent. That activity will increase your
creativity. Furthermore, that will be very
useful for your future.
You : Thank you, Mom. What do you think, Dad?
Your father : Sorry, dear. I have a different opinion from
your mother’s. I disagree with your idea.
You : Why, Dad?
Your father : Let me explain. I know that activity will be
good for you, but it may disturb your
studies. I don’t want to see you getting
busier making crafts rather than doing your
assignments. I’m afraid, your school grades
will decrease. Remember! Studying
determines your future. In addition, the
course requires a lot of money, especially
to purchase the materials and equipment.
Your mother : Dear, I think we should allow her to decide
which activities are good for her. In my
opinion, the craft course is good, since
she loves art very much.
You : Mom, Dad, I promise that I will not forget
my studies. On the contrary, if you allow me
to join the course, it will push me to study
Your father : O.K., I allow you to join the course on one
condition. Your grades have to improve.
You : O.K., Dad. Thanks.
1.2 Genre
A. Listen and answer the questions based on what you
have heard.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
You must have problems in your daily life. How do you
overcome them? Do you eat, especially chips or cookies, to
escape from the problems, even though you don’t feel hungry?
That habit is called emotional eating. In this case, you—some
people do the same—use food as a way to deal with feelings.
You know, it is bad for your life because emotional eating can
affect weight, health and overall well-being.
Some say that emotional eating is evoked by negative
feelings. People often turn to food when they’re stressed out,
lonely, sad, anxious or bored.
Adapted from:
(March 12, 2015)
1. It’s about what emotional eating is.
2. When one tries to escape from his/her problems, he/she
turns to food, but not to satisfy his/her hunger.
3. When he/she feels depressed, lonely, sad, anxious or bored.
4. It can affect weight, health and overall well-being.
5. It’s to describe emotional eating.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 7
A. Listen and complete the text based on what you
have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
The body needs a variety of substances in food,
called a balanced diet. It provides all the (1) nutrients
needed for good health. These are as follows.
Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are used
mainly for (2) energy. They are found in bread, rice,
potatoes, pasta and (3) various fruit and vegetables.
Proteins are vital for growth, to (4) maintain and
repair body parts, and for strong (5) muscles and bones.
They are in most (6) meats and fish, dairy products and
several vegetables.
Oils and fats provide energy and building materials
for body parts. Healthiest are plant-based oils. Too many
fats from animal (7) sources, especially fatty meats, are
less healthy.
Vitamins and minerals are needed for many body
processes, such as calcium for strong bones and (8) teeth
and iron for blood. They are (9) plentiful in fresh fruit and
Fiber is not (10) absorbed into the body, but keeps
the digestive system working well. It is found in whole
meal bread, pasta and rice, fresh fruit and vegetables.
Meat has little fiber.
Adapted from: Steve Parker, Encyclopedia Question & Answer: Human Body,
Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2004.
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
The body needs a variety of substances in food, called
a balanced diet. It provides all the (1) ________________
needed for good health. These are as follows.
Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are used mainly
for (2) ________________. They are found in bread, rice,
potatoes, pasta and (3) ________________ fruit and
Proteins are vital for growth, to (4) ________________
and repair body parts, and for strong (5) ________________
and bones. They are in most (6) ________________ and fish,
dairy products and several vegetables.
Oils and fats provide energy and building materials for
body parts. Healthiest are plant-based oils. Too many fats
from animal (7) ________________, especially fatty meats,
are less healthy.
Vitamins and minerals are needed for many body
processes, such as calcium for strong bones and
(8) ________________ and iron for blood. They are
(9) ________________ in fresh fruit and vegetables.
Fiber is not (10) ________________ into the body, but
keeps the digestive system working well. It is found in whole
meal bread, pasta and rice, fresh fruit and vegetables. Meat
has little fiber.
Adapted from: Steve Parker, Encyclopedia Question & Answer: Human Body,
Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2004.
1. What is the text about?
2. What does ‘cold climate’ mean?
3. What are houses in cold climates like?
4. “That’s why, the houses there have steep and sloping
roofs.” (Paragraph 2) What does ‘there’ refer to?
5. What is the suitable title for the text?
1. It’s about what houses in cold climates are like.
2. Cold climate means there is more rain and snow than
there is sun.
3. They have steep and sloping roofs, small windows, large
painted walls and small rooms.
4. It refers to countries with cold climates.
5. Houses in cold countries.
B. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
answer based what you have heard.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
This text is for questions 1 to 3.
Dehydration is a condition that occurs when someone loses
more fluids than he or she absorbs. Dehydration isn’t as serious
a problem for teens as it can be for babies or young children. But
if you ignore your thirst, dehydration can slow you down.
Our bodies contain about two third water. When someone
gets dehydrated, it means the amount of water in his or her body
has dropped below the level needed for normal body function.
Small decreases don’t cause problems and in most cases, they
go completely unnoticed. But losing larger amounts of water can
sometimes make a person feel quite ill.
Adopted from:
T_RelatedArticle (March 12, 2015)
1. A 2. D 3. D
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
This text is for questions 4 and 5.
Contrary to what you may have heard, acne is not caused
by dirty skin. Acne is caused by overactive oil glands in the skin
and an accumulation of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria, which
leads to inflammation in pores.
Oil glands become stimulated when hormones become
active during puberty, which is why people are likely to get acne
during their teens. Because the tendency to develop acne is
partly genetic, if other people in your family had (or have) acne,
you may be more likely to develop it too.
Adopted from:
cat20118 (March 12, 2015)
4. E 5. C
C. Listen and complete the text based on what you have
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
The flaking dandruff is (1) caused by something called
seborrhea. Dandruff flakes may be white or (2) light yellow.
Someone who has dandruff may notice his or her scalp feel
crusty, red and raw in the areas where seborrhea is worsening.
If this happens, seborrhea can cause the scalp to (3) itch pretty
badly. In very rare cases, seborrhea may cause hair loss if not
well treated. However, any hair loss should start to (4) regrow
once seborrhea is treated.
Dandruff is not contagious. So you can’t catch dandruff from
or give it to another person.
If you’re worried about dandruff, you’re not alone. Dandruff
can start in early (5) adolescence as someone goes through
puberty, and lots of teens and adults have to live with it.
Adopted from:
(March 12, 2015)
D. Answer the questions based on the text in Task C.
1. To describe dandruff.
2. It’s ‘scarce’.
3. Our scalps feel crusty, red and raw in the areas where
seborrhea is worsening.
4. It means we can’t catch dandruff from or pass it on to
another person.
5. In early adolescence.
8 Reports
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
Diabetes is on the rise in all age groups. In diabetes, the
blood glucose or blood sugar levels are elevated. This
disease is associated with long-term complications such as
vision loss, kidney failure and nerve and blood vessel
Diabetes can be divided into two types: type 1 and type
2. Type 1 diabetes results from destruction of cells in the
pancreas. It produces the hormone insulin, which regulates
blood sugar and fuel metabolism. Type 1 diabetes often
starts during childhood. Type 2 diabetes is associated with
a reduced ability to respond to insulin (insulin resistance)
along with diminished ability to produce adequate insulin to
overcome this resistance. It accounts for a large majority of
the cases of the disease, in all age groups. In the past
decade, it has become apparent that type 2 diabetes, which
used to be a disorder seen primarily in adults, is developing
at an alarming rate in preteens and teens. This disease is
B. Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.
1. Where do our bodies get nutrients from?
2. What do sugars give our bodies?
3. Why do our bodies need proteins?
4. “They are found in bread, rice, potatoes, ....” (Paragraph 2)
What does ‘they’ refer to?
5. “It is found in whole meal bread, pasta and rice, fresh
fruit and vegetables.” (Last paragraph)
What is the antonym of ‘fresh’?
Task A
1. nutrients 2. energy 3. various
4. maintain 5. muscles 6. meats
7. sources 8. teeth 9. plentiful
10. absorbed
Task B
1. From a variety of substances in food, called a balanced
2. They give energy.
3. For growth, to maintain and repair body parts, and for
strong muscles and bones.
4. It refers to carbohydrates.
5. It is ‘stale’.
A. Present the following text, then answer the questions.
1. It’s about periodontitis or gum disease.
2. Gingivitis or gum inflammation.
3. The gum will be inflamed and easily bleed when brushing.
4. The inner layer of the gum and bone pull away from the
teeth and form pockets.
5. Infections caused by toxins produced by the bacteria in
plaque and the body’s “good” enzymes involved break down
the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place. As
periodontitis progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum
tissue and bone are destroyed. As a result, teeth are no
longer anchored in place, so teeth start to fall.
clearly—but not always—associated with obesity and is
commonly found in those with hereditary disorder of the
Adopted from:
(March 12, 2015)
1. What is the text about?
2. How many types of diabetes are mentioned in the text?
What are they?
3. Which diabetes does one suffer from when one’s
pancreas is destructed?
4. Which diabetes is associated with obesity?
5. “In diabetes, the blood glucose or blood sugar levels are
elevated.” (Paragraph 1)
What is the similar meaning of ‘elevated’?
1. It’s about diabetes.
2. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2
3. Type 1 diabetes.
4. Type 2 diabetes.
5. It is ‘increased’.
B. Find the meanings of the following words.
You will read these words in the text in Task C.
1. Peserta didik diminta membaca kosakata berikut secara
bergantian dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif.
1. bergantung pada 2. muntah
3. rasa sakit 4. memengaruhi
5. sistem syaraf 6. perasaan geli
7. mati rasa 8 kelumpuhan
9. sembuh 10. pengobatan
11. mencegah, menghindari 12. tanggal kedaluwarsa
13. memastikan, menjamin 14. cenderung
15 parit yang tersumbat
C. Arrange the following paragraphs to form
a sequential report text.
Then, present it in turns.
1. Peserta didik diminta mengerjakan kegiatan berikut dalam
waktu tertentu.
2. Setelah selesai, peserta didik dimotivasi agar berani
tunjuk jari dan membacakan jawabannya.
3. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan atas hasil jawaban
peserta didik.
5. Beberapa peserta didik diminta membaca teks tersebut
secara bergantian dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian.
The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 4–6–2–5–1–3.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 9
A. Find the meanings of the following words.
You will read these words in Task B.
1. immune system = _______________________
2. substance = _______________________
3. germ = _______________________
4. overdrive = _______________________
5. to cause = _______________________
6. to attack = _______________________
7. stiff = _______________________
8 to bend = _______________________
9. to shout = _______________________
10. lately = _______________________
11. to rest = _______________________
12. sleepy = _______________________
13. achy = _______________________
14. to involve = _______________________
15 result = _______________________
B. Arrange the following paragraphs into a sequential
report text.
Then, present it in turns.
What is lupus?
Normally, a person’s immune system works
by producing immunity cells and antibodies,
special substances that fight germs and
infections. However, when a person has lupus, the
immune system goes into overdrive and can’t tell
the difference between some of the body’s
normal, healthy cells and germs that can cause
infection. So the immune system responds by
making autoantibodies that attack the body’s
normal cells.
One morning, my friend Erna couldn’t move
her hands. They were so stiff that she couldn’t
bend them to do her daily activities. More than that,
she couldn’t move her fingers. That made her shout
and cry. She didn’t know what had happened to
her. She just understood that she worked too hard
lately. She felt tired all the time and no matter how
much she rested, she still felt sleepy and achy all
Lupus is a disease that involves the immune
system. Almost 90% of those diagnosed with
lupus are female.
Her parents took her to a doctor. The doctor
couldn’t tell them anything before Erna had
a blood test. Then, he sent her for blood tests and
yesterday Erna got the result. She and her
parents were shocked knowing that Erna may
have lupus.
Adopted from:
lupus.html (March 12, 2015)
Task A
1. sistem kekebalan 2. zat, bahan
3. kuman 4. terlalu bersemangat
5. menyebabkan 6. menyerang
7. kaku 8 membengkokkan
9. berteriak 10. akhir-akhir ini
11. beristirahat 12. mengantuk
13. rasa sakit 14. melibatkan
15 hasil
Task B
The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 3–5–1–4–2.
D. Complete the text with the correct questions from the
1. d 2. g 3. a 4. c 5. f 6. b
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
a. Why do we need to drink water?
b. Do people need less water when the weather is cold?
c. Can we drink too much water?
d. Can we get the water we need from other drinks or food?
e. How much water do we need to drink a day?
f. Do coke and coffee make us dehydrated?
1. _____________________________________________
We all know that our bodies need water. Water cleanses
our bodies, controls our temperature and helps to keep
us healthy. About 70% of our bodies is water.
2. _____________________________________________
We often read that we need to drink at least eight glasses
of water a day (about two liters). The idea probably came
from mineral water companies! In fact, how much water
we need depends on the weather and on what we’re
doing. When we feel hot, or if we do sport or exercise,
we need to drink more. A few experts say that in normal
conditions, we only need about one liter a day.
3. _____________________________________________
No. Even when temperatures are very low, we need to
drink more than on a normal day. This is because we
wear a lot of clothes so we sweat a lot and lose water.
4. _____________________________________________
Yes, of course. We get water from food, especially fruit
and vegetables (an apple is 85% water, an onion is
87%). We can also get water from other drinks like fruit
juice, coffee and colas, which contain a lot of water.
5. _____________________________________________
No. In experiments in America several people drank only
water and other people drank water, cola and coffee.
Their levels of hydration were more or less the same.
6. _____________________________________________
No. It can be dangerous to drink a lot of water. Recently
a British actor nearly died after drinking eight liters of
water a day for several months.
Adopted from: Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, and Paul Seligson,
New English File Elementary Student’s Book, Oxford, Oxford University
Press, 2009.
1. a 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. f 6. c
10 Reports
A. Find the meanings of the following words.
1. scratch = ________________
2. sign = ________________
3. to contract = ________________
4. fur = ________________
5. to pet = ________________
6. to rub = ________________
7. to recall = ________________
8. injury = ________________
9. treatment = ________________
10. severe = ________________
B. Write sentences using the words in Task A.
Share your work with your friends.
C. Complete the text with the suitable words from the box.
Then, read it in turns.
a. vomitting b. transmit
c. disease d. symptoms
e. bitten f. immune system
g. caused by h. antibiotics
i. sever j. a few weeks
Cat scratch disease is an infection (1) ________
bacteria known as Bartonella henselae. Although about 40%
of cats carry the bacteria in their saliva at some points in their
lives, cats that carry Bartonella henselae do not themselves
show any signs of illness. Most people contract the disease
after being scratched or (2) ________ by a cat.
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
I have had (1. have) three different homes since I was
bom. My family and I lived in a small flat for the first five
years of my life, then we moved to a larger one after my
sister was born. My parents ________ (2. live) there since
then and don’t want to move anywhere else because they
love the area.
I moved out when I got engaged and I ________
(3. live) in a small house near the Danube for the last seven
years. My husband and I ________ (4. be married) for
almost five years now and we will be expecting our second
child soon.
I ________ (5. be) a professional photographer for
almost six years and I love it. I worked for Newsweek for four
years and I have been a freelance since I left. I much prefer
working for myself, although I miss all the fun of working in
an office—and the gossip—of course!
Adopted from: Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File
Pre-Intermediate Workbook, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ?.
1. have had 2. have lived
3. have lived 4. have been married
5. have been
E. Complete the text with the correct verb forms.
Number one has been done for you.
1. have been 2. have done
3. have practiced 4. have taught
5. have studied 6. have tried
7. has told 8. has lent
9. have learned 10. have showed
F. Present a report text about a disease.
Find any information as a reference.
Kegiatan ini sebaiknya dijadikan pekerjaan rumah agar
peserta didik leluasa mengerjakannya.
1. Peserta didik diminta mencari teks report tentang suatu
2. Peserta didik diminta mencatat kosakata baru dan
mencari artinya.
3. Peserta didik diminta menceritakan kembali penyakit
tersebut, misalnya menggunakan Power Point.
4. Peserta didik secara sukarela tunjuk jari dan ke depan
kelas menyampaikan hasil tulisannya.
5. Peserta didik yang lain diminta menyimak dan memberi
masukan tentang hasil presentasi temannya, misalnya
tentang keras lembut suara, intonasi, dan mimik wajah.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengevaluasi hasil presentasi peserta
didik dan memberi nilai, serta tetap memotivasi peserta
didik agar selalu aktif dalam pembelajaran.
Contoh jawaban:
Eczema (EG-zih-mah) is a long-lasting skin condition that
can come and go. The skin becomes extremely itchy, red, scaly
and irritated. Eczema can appear on many parts of the body,
depending on age. The most common form of eczema is atopic
dermatitis (ay-TOP-ick dur-ma-TIE-tiss).
People of any age could catch it, but it often affects infants
and young children.
Eczema doesn’t spread from person to person. Instead,
it tends to run in families. Most people who suffer from eczema
have a history of eczema, hay fever or asthma in their families.
No one really knows what causes eczema (atopic
dermatitis). We also know that eczema can get worse. When
eczema gets worse, it is called a flare-up. A flare-up occurs when
the immune system in people’s skin overreacts to environmental
or emotional triggers. This reaction results in symptoms such as
Adopted from:
(March 6, 2015)
A. Complete the text with the suitable words from the box.
Then, read it in turns.
1. g 2. d 3. i 4. b 5. l
6. h 7. j 8. f 9. a 10. e
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in
Task A.
1. It’s about pollution.
2. It is caused by men’s activities.
3. Five. They are air, soil/earth, water, environment and noise
4. When it is contaminated by non-biodegradable products in
waste material.
5. It means ‘consider’, ‘regard as’ or ‘think of’.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 11
Since the bacteria may also be present on cat fur, it is
possible to contract the (3) ________ from petting a cat and
then rubbing your eyes. Kittens are more prone to carry the
bacteria and to (4) ________ the infection to humans. People
who get cat scratch disease do not recall ever being
scratched or bitten by a cat.
For people with a normal (5) ________, cat scratch
disease is usually not a serious illness. A small papule
(a little raised lump) develops at the site of the injury within
10 days. The signs and symptoms that follow may include
fever, chills, nausea, (6) ________, fatigue and inflammation
and soreness of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis). As the
disease progresses, more nodules may develop under the
skin at the site of the injury.
Most cases of cat scratch disease are self-limited,
meaning that they resolve on their on without specific
treatment. That usually occurs within (7) ________. If the
lymph nodes remain persistently inflamed or if the illness is
very severe, your doctor may prescribe (8) ________.
Adopted from:
(March 19, 2015)
D. Answer the questions based on the text in Task C.
1. What is the text about?
2. What is it caused by?
3. Where is the bacteria found in the cat?
4. What will happen to a person who contracts the disease?
5. “If the lymph nodes remain persistently inflamed or if the
illness is very severe, ....” (Paragraph 4)
What does ‘remain’ mean?
Task A
1. cakaran 2. tanda
3. mengidap 4. bulu
5. mengelus-elus 6. menggosok, mengusap
7. mengingat kembali 8. luka
9. pengobatan 10. parah
Task B (Contoh jawaban)
1. What’s wrong with your shoulder? There is a scratch
on it.
2. Easily feeling sleepy is a sign of being fatigued, right?
3. I suggest you keep away from cats because you may
contract a serious illness, such as toxoplasmosis.
4. Kids love playing with cats, especially caressing their
soft fur, although it may cause dangerous diseases.
5. Why are you fond of petting cats? It’s not good for your
health, you know.
6. Stop rubbing your eyes when dirt irritates them.
7. When people get older, they will not easily recall their
memories. Do you agree?
8. Please cover your injury using this bandage.
9. Ms. Rosma suggests I have medical treatment in order
to prevent infection.
10. Your skin rash looks severe. Why don’t you see a doctor
for proper medication?
Task C
1. g 2. e 3. c 4. b
5. f 6. a 7. j 8. h
Task D
1. It’s about cat scratch disease.
2. It is caused by bacteria known as Bartonella henselae.
3. In its saliva and fur.
4. He/she will have fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, fatigue
and inflammation and soreness of the lymph nodes
5. It means ‘persist’.
C. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
1. B 2. A 3. E 4. D 5. C
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
The general definition of obesity is a chronic condition
defined by an excess amount of body fat. A certain amount of
body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation,
shock absorption and other functions. The normal amount of
body fat (expressed as percentage of body fat) is between
25%–30% in women and 18%–23% in men. Women with over
30% body fat and men with over 25% body fat are considered
The calculation of body mass index (BMI) has also been
used in the definition of obesity. The body mass index (BMI)
equals a person’s weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their
height in meters (m) squared. Since BMI describes body
weight relative to height, it is strongly correlated with total
body fat content in adults. “Obesity” is defined as a BMI of
30 and above.
What are the health risks associated with obesity?
Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration; it is a dire health
dilemma directly harmful to one’s health. For patients with
a BMI over 40, life expectancy is reduced significantly (as
much as 20 years for men and 5 years for women). Obesity
also increases the risk of developing a number of chronic
diseases including insulin resistance, high blood pressure
(hypertension), heart attack, cancer and diabetes (type 2).
What causes obesity? The balance between calorie intake
and energy expenditure determines a person’s weight.
If a person eats more calories than he or she burns, the person
gains weight (the body will store the excess energy as fat).
If a person eats fewer calories than he or she metabolizes, he
or she will lose weight. Therefore, the most common
causes of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity.
Adopted from:
(March 19, 2015)
1. What is the text about?
A. Obesity.
B. Normal weight.
C. A body mass index.
D. Common causes of obesity.
E. The health risks associated with obesity.
2. What is one of the benefits of body fat mentioned in the
A. Heat release. B. Food reserve.
C. Energy resource. D. Heat insulation.
E. Power resource.
3. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. What obesity is.
B. The causes of obesity.
C. The way to control body fat.
D. The way to prevent from obesity.
E. People who are likely exposed to obesity.
4. Which disease is NOT caused by obesity?
A. Cancer.
B. Hypertension.
C. Heart attack.
D. Insulin resistance.
E. Severe headaches.
12 Reports
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
1. a. We arrived at that big house a few minutes ago.
b. It belongs to Mr. Sampurna.
2. a. Ayu is famous now.
b. She has a beautiful voice.
3. a. Bu Murni’s food stall is beside the post office.
b. We have lunch there occasionally.
4. a. This is the park in my city.
b. We usually spend Sunday morning there.
5. a. The boy just arrived.
b. He is my cousin.
1. We arrived at that big house which belongs to Mr.
Sampurna a few minutes ago.
2. Ayu whose voice is beautiful is famous now.
3. Bu Murni’s food stall where we occasionally have
lunch is beside the post office.
4. This is the park in my city where we usually spend
Sunday morning.
5. The boy who just arrived is my cousin.
5. “... the person gains weight (the body will store the
excess energy as fat).” (Last paragraph)
What is the similar meaning of ‘to gain’?
A. To lose. B. To absorb.
C. To store. D. To increase.
E. To set.
1. A. Gambaran umum teks tersebut disimpulkan dari
kalimat pertama paragraf satu, ”The general
definition of obesity is a chronic condition defined by
an excess amount of body fat.” yang artinya
”Pengertian umum obesitas yaitu kondisi kronis yang
disebabkan oleh jumlah lemak tubuh yang
berlebihan.”. Jadi, teks tersebut tentang obesitas
(obesity), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A).
2. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena sesuai dengan
kalimat kedua paragraf satu, ”... body fat is
necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock
absorption, ....” yang artinya ”... lemak tubuh
penting untuk menyimpan tenaga, isolasi panas,
penyerapan kejutan/getaran, ....”. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain salah; (A) artinya melepaskan panas,
(B) artinya cadangan makanan, (C) artinya sumber
energi, dan (E) artinya sumber tenaga.
3. B. Pikiran utama paragraf terakhir disimpulkan pada
kalimat pertama paragraf tersebut, ”What causes
obesity?” yang artinya ”Apa penyebab obesitas?”.
Jadi, pikiran utama paragraf terakhir tentang
penyebab obesitas, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban
4. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) yang artinya sakit kepala yang
parah, benar untuk soal pengecualian karena tidak
disebutkan di dalam teks. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah karena disebutkan dalam kalimat terakhir
paragraf tiga, ”Obesity also increases the risk of
developing a number of chronic diseases including
insulin resistance, high blood pressure
(hypertension), heart attack, cancer and diabetes
(type 2).” yang artinya ”Obesitas juga meningkatkan
risiko peningkatan sejumlah penyakit kronis
termasuk resistensi terhadap insulin, tekanan darah
tinggi (hipertensi), serangan jantung, kanker, dan
diabetes (tipe 2).”.
5. D. Kata ’to gain’ artinya memperoleh atau mendapat.
Kata yang mempunyai arti sama dengan kata
tersebut yaitu ’to increase’, sesuai dengan pilihan
jawaban (D). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
karena maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya menghilangkan,
(B) artinya menyerap, (C) artinya
menyimpan, dan (E) artinya menyetel atau
A. Write five sentences using present
perfect tense.
Share your work with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
1. The students have done their experiments for half an hour.
2. We have stayed in Griya Prima Housing Estate since 2009.
3. I haven’t met my old friends since graduation.
4. Has the principal delivered his speech?
5. The children has prepared everything for the vacation
B. Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence
using an adjective clause.
1. Awan who wears glasses looks smart.
2. The girl whose hair is long and black is a rising star.
3. The helmet that/which has double lenses and many
stickers is Rosi’s.
4. I didn’t know the time when my cousin and his family
moved to Kupang.
5. The new restaurant at Jalan Padang number 9 which/that
Yona and her family went to yesterday serves delicious food.
C. Write a report text.
It can be about trees, animals, buildings
or natural phenomena.
Share your work with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
There is no need to go into a long description of the many
uses to which plastics have been put to. Probably not a day goes
by in our lives when we don’t use or touch a plastic product.
Plastics have many unique properties which make them
very useful for special purposes. They resist the flow of
electricity, they insulate against heat, they are light in weight
and wear extremely well. It is also possible to make them
Plastic is such a good insulator that it is used to cover
copper wires in every day household wiring. Tools such as
screwdrivers, which may be used on electrical appliances, have
plastic handles to provide insulation for the electrician in case
the current is accidentally switched on.
Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me How?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
Bakti : Where have you been?
Nuri : I visited Anis.
Bakti : (1) Is she alright?
Nuri : No, she’s not. (2) She is low in spirits.
Bakti : I’m sorry to hear that. (3) What happens to her?
Nuri : Well, she didn’t pass her TOEFL test. So, (4) she failed
to get a scholarship to study abroad.
Do you have any idea to help her?
Bakti : Well, please tell Anis that she still has a chance to
study abroad. There will be a student expo in the city
hall next week. Some reputable universities from
Singapore, Australia, England and the United States
will open their stands there. These universities usually
offer some scholarships to foreign students. She can
get some information about them.
Nuri : (5) That’s a good idea. Thank you for the information.
I hope this might help her.
B. Complete the following statements based on the
dialog in Task A.
1. Anis’ house 2. Anis is in low spirits
3. she failed her TOEFL test 4. the city hall
5. reputable universities
C. Listen and answer the following questions based on
what you have heard.
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : The school holiday is coming very soon. What are your
Girl : I don’t have any plans yet. What about you?
Boy : Well, I’m going to visit my uncle in North Sumatra. You
know, his house is near Lake Toba. I want to fish and
travel by boat there. Do you want to come along?
Girl : That would be great, but I don’t think my parents will
allow me to go.
Boy : What if I go to your house and tell your parents about it?
They may then allow you to go. Understand?
Girl : Er ... I don’t think it’s a good idea. Please don’t bother.
Have a nice holiday.
1. Classmates.
2. About their plans for the coming school holiday.
3. To his uncle’s house in North Sumatra.
4. She thinks it will be great, but her parents may not allow her
to go.
5. She doesn’t think it is a good idea.
D. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Woman : Where are you off to, dear? It’s already 7:30 p.m.
Man : I’m going for dinner at Mutiara Restaurant.
Woman : Dinner? Who’s it for?
Man : It’s for my new director, Mr. Garret. Anyway, do I look
Woman : Well, I must say that coat really suits you. You look
Man : Thank you. I want to look my best for the new leader
of my company. Bye, dear.
Woman : Bye. Take care.
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C
4 Reports
4. A. You’d better do it now.
B. Thank you for your opinion.
C. Yes, you may go now.
D. I have the same opinion as you do.
E. Thanks, I’m satisfied already.
5. A. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
B. I’m not sure it will work well.
C. You will have the final exam next month.
D. I’m sure you will pass the final exam.
E. You have to be more independent.
1. D. Dalam percakapan, anak laki-laki itu ingin
memberikan hadiah ulang tahun sebuah boneka
Barbie kepada Emily. Ia meminta pendapat ibunya.
Respons yang tepat diucapkan ibunya yaitu
menyatakan pendapat, setuju atau tidak. Jadi,
respons yang tepat yaitu pilihan jawaban (D) yang
menyatakan persetujuan.
2. B. Anak laki-laki itu meminta pendapat teman
bicaranya tentang pertunjukan Super Junior tadi
malam. Respons yang tepat yaitu memberi
pendapat dan pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya
pertunjukan itu luar biasa, benar.
3. E. Dalam percakapan, anak perempuan itu meminta
pendapat anak laki-laki tersebut apabila ia membeli
kamus. Respons yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut
yaitu menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju. Pilihan
jawaban yang menunjukkan tidak setuju yaitu
(E) yang artinya saya rasa kita tidak memerlukannya.
4. D. Dalam percakapan, wanita itu menjelaskan bahwa
satu sepeda motor tidak cukup untuk mereka
berempat. Kemudian, ia meminta pendapat laki-laki
tersebut apabila mereka membeli mobil. Respons
laki-laki yang tepat yaitu pilihan jawaban (D) yang
berarti laki-laki itu sependapat dengan wanita
tersebut. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
bukan respons yang tepat, tidak sesuai dengan
5. A. Anak perempuan itu meminta pendapat ayahnya
untuk melanjutkan sekolah di Bandung. Respons
yang tepat diucapkan ayahnya yaitu menyatakan
pendapatnya, setuju atau tidak setuju. Jadi,
ungkapan/respons yang tepat yaitu pilihan jawaban
(A) yang artinya saya rasa itu bukan ide bagus.
B. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs
in Task A.
Dialog 1
1. Brother and sister.
2. He’s playing games incessantly.
3. She thinks playing games incessantly will harm his eyesight
and nerves. It also makes him lazy.
4. It refers to the influence of playing games incessantly on
5. We should not play games incessantly. Besides, we should
pay attention to our future and health.
Dialog 2
1. They communicate via mobile phones. Mrs. Sifa opens the
conversation by saying, “Denok, it’s me, Mom.”
2. She asks Denok to cook fried noodles for her brother.
3. She thinks that it’s not a good idea because consuming fried
noodles too often is not good for health.
4. She agrees with that.
5. She doesn’t think it is good for health.
A. Practice the following dialogs with a friend.
Dialog 1
Hera : What are you reading, Jude?
Jude : Er ... a comic book.
Hera : I think you should not read comic books too often.
They may harm your imagination.
Jude : Why do you say?
Hera : Well, comic books present everything, stories and
illustrations. So, you only follow the writer’s
imagination. Do you know what I mean?
Jude : Yes, but I have a different opinion from yours.
Hera : Well, tell me then.
Jude : In my view, reading comics enriches my imagination
and improves my skill on illustrations. I love
drawing, you know, and I learn a lot from comics’
Hera : I see. Well, let’s not argue about it.
Dialog 2
Ms. Indra : Where are you going, dear?
James : Um ... I’m going to play futsal, Mom.
Ms. Indra : Can you put it off for a while? I need a favor.
James : Sure, Mom. How can I help you?
Ms. Indra : Please buy me aspirins. I have a terrible
James : Sorry, Mom. I don’t think taking an aspirin for
your headache is a good idea. You should see
a doctor. Let me take you there, O.K.?
Ms. Indra : O.K. Take me to doctor Triana then. She’s
a good doctor, I think.
James : Yes, she is. So, can we go now?
Ms. Indra : O.K., let’s go.
B. Answer the following questions based on the
dialogs in Task A.
Dialog 1
1. What is the dialog about?
2. What does Hera think about reading comic books too
3. What is Jude’s opinion about reading comic books?
4. What is Jude’s hobby?
5. Hera says, “Well, let’s not argue about it.” What does ‘it’
refer to?
Dialog 2
1. What is James going to do?
2. Why does Mrs. Indra interrupt James?
3. What’s wrong with Mrs. Indra?
4. What does James suggest Mrs. Indra?
5. What is Mrs. Indra’s opinion about doctor Triana?
Task B
Dialog 1
1. It’s about the speakers’ opinions of reading comic books.
2. She thinks reading comic books too often may harm
Jude’s imagination.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 5
A. Complete the dialog with the suitable expressions
from the box.
Then, practice it with your friends.
a. Let’s hope for the best!
b. That’s what I think about.
c. it can be very dangerous.
d. What’s your opinion, dear?
e. The track is so monotonous.
f. Why’s that, Mom?
Mr. Alfrid : What do you think if we go to the beach next
Soni : That would be great, Dad. We can play at the
beach and ride an ATV.
Mr. Alfrid : (1) ________
Mrs. Alfrid : In my opinion, spending the holiday at the
beach is not a good idea.
Soni : (2) ________
Mrs. Alfrid : You know, the waves are big and rough
currently and (3) ________
Mr. Alfrid : Your mom is right. The weather is not friendly
Soni : If that’s so, I will not play at the beach. I just
want to ride an ATV.
Mrs. Alfrid : I think you can ride ATV in Tlatar Park.
Soni : No, Mom. Riding an ATV at Tlatar Park is not
challenging. (4) ________
Mr. Alfrid : Well, let’s monitor the weather for the next
couple of days. We will go to the beach if it’s
fine. O.K.?
Soni : O.K., Dad. I do hope it will be sunny next
Mr. Alfrid : (5) ________
B. Answer the following questions based on the dialog
in Task A.
1. What is the Alfrids’ plan for next Sunday?
2. Why is Soni so enthusiastic to go there?
3. What is Mrs. Alfrid’s opinion about the plan?
4. Why does Soni not like riding an ATV at Tlatar Park?
5. What is the Alfrids’ final decision?
3. Jude thinks he can enrich his imagination and improve
his skill on illustrations by reading comic books.
4. Drawing.
5. It refers to reading comic books too often.
Dialog 2
1. He is going to play futsal.
2. She needs him to buy aspirins.
3. She has a terrible headache.
4. She should see a doctor.
5. She’s a good doctor.
C. Complete the dialog with the suitable expressions
from the box.
Then, practice it in pairs.
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. b
Task A
1. d 2. f 3. c 4. e 5. a
Task B
1. They plan to go to the beach.
2. Because he wants to play at the beach and ride an ATV.
3. She doesn’t think that going to the beach is a good idea.
4. In his opinion, the track is so monotonous.
5. They will go to the beach if the weather is fine.
D. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order
to form a sequential dialog.
Then, practice it in pairs.
The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–7–1–8–3–5–2–6.
A. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order
to form a sequential dialog.
Then, practice it in pairs.
1. Reni : Hooray! Let’s go!
2. Reni : What? How could that be a deal?
3. Reni : I’m hungry and thirsty. Let’s go to the batagor
stall over there.
4. Reni : Yes! Come on, I cannot wait to enjoy es teler!
5. Reni : Let me tell you this. There are various kinds of
ices at the batagor stall. I want es teler.
Furthermore, they also provide delicious siomay
and mie bandung. Please?
6. Yulia : Well, after considering, I don’t think your idea is
bad at all.
7. Yulia : Yes or no?
8. Yulia : Wait ... wait! I will go with you to enjoy batagor
and es teller, but you must pay for me. Deal?
9. Yulia : Er ... I don’t feel like eating batagor now. What
about having bakso at Bu Hamdan’s stall? The
bakso and chicken noodles are yummy.
B. Answer the following questions based on the dialog
in Task A, orally.
1. Who are probably talking in the dialog?
2. What are the girls feeling?
3. What does Yulia suggest?
4. What is Reni’s opinion about Yulia’s idea? Why?
5. Who will pay for the food and drinks? Why?
Task A
The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3–9–5–6–1–8–
Task B
1. Two friends, Reni and Yulia.
2. They are feeling hungry and thirsty.
3. She suggests they eat bakso at Bu Hamdan’s stall.
4. She doesn’t agree. She prefers batagor to bakso
because there are many choices at the batagor stall.
5. Reni will pay for them because Yulia agrees to go to the
batagor stall only if Yulia pays for her meals.
6 Reports
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Have you ever been to countries with cold climates?
What are houses there like? Well, let me tell you this.
In cold climates there is more rain and snow than
there is sun. That’s why, the houses there have steep and
sloping roofs. Do you know why? To allow the snow slide
down from the top, otherwise there is a risk of the roof
breaking under its weight!
The windows are small, to keep the warm air inside
and the cold air out. The walls are large and painted, to
absorb as much heat as possible. Rooms are small and
the beds are often four-postered. Let me give you
an example. In Russia, the beds are often mounted on
big, ceramic heaters!
When it is cold, there are also shorter daylight hours
which bring valuable heat from the sun. This is why, until
quite recently, the kitchen was the main room of the
house, getting heat and light simultaneously.
Nowadays, houses in many cold countries have
central heating and electricity to provide light all day. But
not long ago, reading a book in the warmth whilst it
snowed and rained outside seemed like a miracle–not
only at home, but also at school.
Adapted from: Maureen Spurgeon (trans), 366 Questions & Answers,
England, Brown Watson, 1992.
E. Create dialogs based on the following
Then, practice them in front of the class.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Your sister : Mom and Rafa, there is a modern dance club
at school and I want to join. What do you think?
You : Well, in my opinion, it’s good. You will have
more friends. You can also improve your
skills and self-confidence. What do you
think, Mom?
Your mother : I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t want
you to wear a sexy dress.
Your sister : Sorry, Mom. Let me explain. This modern
dance club is not like that. The dancers
wear modest dresses, Mom. Besides, they
perform on special occasions.
You : Yes, Mom. Farah is right. I know this dance
club and the dancers dress modestly.
Your mother : Well, let me consider it.
2. You : Mom, Dad, can I have your time, please?
Your mother : Sure, dear. What’s up?
You : Mom, you know Jihan, don’t you?
Your mother : Yes. What’s wrong with her?
You : Nothing, she’s alright. I just want to tell you
that she has joined a craft course for four
months and she can make many beautiful
crafts from clay now. I think I would like to
join the course. What do you think?
Your mother : That’s good. I support you one hundred
percent. That activity will increase your
creativity. Furthermore, that will be very
useful for your future.
You : Thank you, Mom. What do you think, Dad?
Your father : Sorry, dear. I have a different opinion from
your mother’s. I disagree with your idea.
You : Why, Dad?
Your father : Let me explain. I know that activity will be
good for you, but it may disturb your
studies. I don’t want to see you getting
busier making crafts rather than doing your
assignments. I’m afraid, your school grades
will decrease. Remember! Studying
determines your future. In addition, the
course requires a lot of money, especially
to purchase the materials and equipment.
Your mother : Dear, I think we should allow her to decide
which activities are good for her. In my
opinion, the craft course is good, since
she loves art very much.
You : Mom, Dad, I promise that I will not forget
my studies. On the contrary, if you allow me
to join the course, it will push me to study
Your father : O.K., I allow you to join the course on one
condition. Your grades have to improve.
You : O.K., Dad. Thanks.
1.2 Genre
A. Listen and answer the questions based on what you
have heard.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
You must have problems in your daily life. How do you
overcome them? Do you eat, especially chips or cookies, to
escape from the problems, even though you don’t feel hungry?
That habit is called emotional eating. In this case, you—some
people do the same—use food as a way to deal with feelings.
You know, it is bad for your life because emotional eating can
affect weight, health and overall well-being.
Some say that emotional eating is evoked by negative
feelings. People often turn to food when they’re stressed out,
lonely, sad, anxious or bored.
Adapted from:
(March 12, 2015)
1. It’s about what emotional eating is.
2. When one tries to escape from his/her problems, he/she
turns to food, but not to satisfy his/her hunger.
3. When he/she feels depressed, lonely, sad, anxious or bored.
4. It can affect weight, health and overall well-being.
5. It’s to describe emotional eating.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 7
A. Listen and complete the text based on what you
have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
The body needs a variety of substances in food,
called a balanced diet. It provides all the (1) nutrients
needed for good health. These are as follows.
Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are used
mainly for (2) energy. They are found in bread, rice,
potatoes, pasta and (3) various fruit and vegetables.
Proteins are vital for growth, to (4) maintain and
repair body parts, and for strong (5) muscles and bones.
They are in most (6) meats and fish, dairy products and
several vegetables.
Oils and fats provide energy and building materials
for body parts. Healthiest are plant-based oils. Too many
fats from animal (7) sources, especially fatty meats, are
less healthy.
Vitamins and minerals are needed for many body
processes, such as calcium for strong bones and (8) teeth
and iron for blood. They are (9) plentiful in fresh fruit and
Fiber is not (10) absorbed into the body, but keeps
the digestive system working well. It is found in whole
meal bread, pasta and rice, fresh fruit and vegetables.
Meat has little fiber.
Adapted from: Steve Parker, Encyclopedia Question & Answer: Human Body,
Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2004.
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
The body needs a variety of substances in food, called
a balanced diet. It provides all the (1) ________________
needed for good health. These are as follows.
Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are used mainly
for (2) ________________. They are found in bread, rice,
potatoes, pasta and (3) ________________ fruit and
Proteins are vital for growth, to (4) ________________
and repair body parts, and for strong (5) ________________
and bones. They are in most (6) ________________ and fish,
dairy products and several vegetables.
Oils and fats provide energy and building materials for
body parts. Healthiest are plant-based oils. Too many fats
from animal (7) ________________, especially fatty meats,
are less healthy.
Vitamins and minerals are needed for many body
processes, such as calcium for strong bones and
(8) ________________ and iron for blood. They are
(9) ________________ in fresh fruit and vegetables.
Fiber is not (10) ________________ into the body, but
keeps the digestive system working well. It is found in whole
meal bread, pasta and rice, fresh fruit and vegetables. Meat
has little fiber.
Adapted from: Steve Parker, Encyclopedia Question & Answer: Human Body,
Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2004.
1. What is the text about?
2. What does ‘cold climate’ mean?
3. What are houses in cold climates like?
4. “That’s why, the houses there have steep and sloping
roofs.” (Paragraph 2) What does ‘there’ refer to?
5. What is the suitable title for the text?
1. It’s about what houses in cold climates are like.
2. Cold climate means there is more rain and snow than
there is sun.
3. They have steep and sloping roofs, small windows, large
painted walls and small rooms.
4. It refers to countries with cold climates.
5. Houses in cold countries.
B. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
answer based what you have heard.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
This text is for questions 1 to 3.
Dehydration is a condition that occurs when someone loses
more fluids than he or she absorbs. Dehydration isn’t as serious
a problem for teens as it can be for babies or young children. But
if you ignore your thirst, dehydration can slow you down.
Our bodies contain about two third water. When someone
gets dehydrated, it means the amount of water in his or her body
has dropped below the level needed for normal body function.
Small decreases don’t cause problems and in most cases, they
go completely unnoticed. But losing larger amounts of water can
sometimes make a person feel quite ill.
Adopted from:
T_RelatedArticle (March 12, 2015)
1. A 2. D 3. D
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
This text is for questions 4 and 5.
Contrary to what you may have heard, acne is not caused
by dirty skin. Acne is caused by overactive oil glands in the skin
and an accumulation of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria, which
leads to inflammation in pores.
Oil glands become stimulated when hormones become
active during puberty, which is why people are likely to get acne
during their teens. Because the tendency to develop acne is
partly genetic, if other people in your family had (or have) acne,
you may be more likely to develop it too.
Adopted from:
cat20118 (March 12, 2015)
4. E 5. C
C. Listen and complete the text based on what you have
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
The flaking dandruff is (1) caused by something called
seborrhea. Dandruff flakes may be white or (2) light yellow.
Someone who has dandruff may notice his or her scalp feel
crusty, red and raw in the areas where seborrhea is worsening.
If this happens, seborrhea can cause the scalp to (3) itch pretty
badly. In very rare cases, seborrhea may cause hair loss if not
well treated. However, any hair loss should start to (4) regrow
once seborrhea is treated.
Dandruff is not contagious. So you can’t catch dandruff from
or give it to another person.
If you’re worried about dandruff, you’re not alone. Dandruff
can start in early (5) adolescence as someone goes through
puberty, and lots of teens and adults have to live with it.
Adopted from:
(March 12, 2015)
D. Answer the questions based on the text in Task C.
1. To describe dandruff.
2. It’s ‘scarce’.
3. Our scalps feel crusty, red and raw in the areas where
seborrhea is worsening.
4. It means we can’t catch dandruff from or pass it on to
another person.
5. In early adolescence.
8 Reports
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
Diabetes is on the rise in all age groups. In diabetes, the
blood glucose or blood sugar levels are elevated. This
disease is associated with long-term complications such as
vision loss, kidney failure and nerve and blood vessel
Diabetes can be divided into two types: type 1 and type
2. Type 1 diabetes results from destruction of cells in the
pancreas. It produces the hormone insulin, which regulates
blood sugar and fuel metabolism. Type 1 diabetes often
starts during childhood. Type 2 diabetes is associated with
a reduced ability to respond to insulin (insulin resistance)
along with diminished ability to produce adequate insulin to
overcome this resistance. It accounts for a large majority of
the cases of the disease, in all age groups. In the past
decade, it has become apparent that type 2 diabetes, which
used to be a disorder seen primarily in adults, is developing
at an alarming rate in preteens and teens. This disease is
B. Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.
1. Where do our bodies get nutrients from?
2. What do sugars give our bodies?
3. Why do our bodies need proteins?
4. “They are found in bread, rice, potatoes, ....” (Paragraph 2)
What does ‘they’ refer to?
5. “It is found in whole meal bread, pasta and rice, fresh
fruit and vegetables.” (Last paragraph)
What is the antonym of ‘fresh’?
Task A
1. nutrients 2. energy 3. various
4. maintain 5. muscles 6. meats
7. sources 8. teeth 9. plentiful
10. absorbed
Task B
1. From a variety of substances in food, called a balanced
2. They give energy.
3. For growth, to maintain and repair body parts, and for
strong muscles and bones.
4. It refers to carbohydrates.
5. It is ‘stale’.
A. Present the following text, then answer the questions.
1. It’s about periodontitis or gum disease.
2. Gingivitis or gum inflammation.
3. The gum will be inflamed and easily bleed when brushing.
4. The inner layer of the gum and bone pull away from the
teeth and form pockets.
5. Infections caused by toxins produced by the bacteria in
plaque and the body’s “good” enzymes involved break down
the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place. As
periodontitis progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum
tissue and bone are destroyed. As a result, teeth are no
longer anchored in place, so teeth start to fall.
clearly—but not always—associated with obesity and is
commonly found in those with hereditary disorder of the
Adopted from:
(March 12, 2015)
1. What is the text about?
2. How many types of diabetes are mentioned in the text?
What are they?
3. Which diabetes does one suffer from when one’s
pancreas is destructed?
4. Which diabetes is associated with obesity?
5. “In diabetes, the blood glucose or blood sugar levels are
elevated.” (Paragraph 1)
What is the similar meaning of ‘elevated’?
1. It’s about diabetes.
2. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2
3. Type 1 diabetes.
4. Type 2 diabetes.
5. It is ‘increased’.
B. Find the meanings of the following words.
You will read these words in the text in Task C.
1. Peserta didik diminta membaca kosakata berikut secara
bergantian dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif.
1. bergantung pada 2. muntah
3. rasa sakit 4. memengaruhi
5. sistem syaraf 6. perasaan geli
7. mati rasa 8 kelumpuhan
9. sembuh 10. pengobatan
11. mencegah, menghindari 12. tanggal kedaluwarsa
13. memastikan, menjamin 14. cenderung
15 parit yang tersumbat
C. Arrange the following paragraphs to form
a sequential report text.
Then, present it in turns.
1. Peserta didik diminta mengerjakan kegiatan berikut dalam
waktu tertentu.
2. Setelah selesai, peserta didik dimotivasi agar berani
tunjuk jari dan membacakan jawabannya.
3. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan atas hasil jawaban
peserta didik.
5. Beberapa peserta didik diminta membaca teks tersebut
secara bergantian dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian.
The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 4–6–2–5–1–3.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 9
A. Find the meanings of the following words.
You will read these words in Task B.
1. immune system = _______________________
2. substance = _______________________
3. germ = _______________________
4. overdrive = _______________________
5. to cause = _______________________
6. to attack = _______________________
7. stiff = _______________________
8 to bend = _______________________
9. to shout = _______________________
10. lately = _______________________
11. to rest = _______________________
12. sleepy = _______________________
13. achy = _______________________
14. to involve = _______________________
15 result = _______________________
B. Arrange the following paragraphs into a sequential
report text.
Then, present it in turns.
What is lupus?
Normally, a person’s immune system works
by producing immunity cells and antibodies,
special substances that fight germs and
infections. However, when a person has lupus, the
immune system goes into overdrive and can’t tell
the difference between some of the body’s
normal, healthy cells and germs that can cause
infection. So the immune system responds by
making autoantibodies that attack the body’s
normal cells.
One morning, my friend Erna couldn’t move
her hands. They were so stiff that she couldn’t
bend them to do her daily activities. More than that,
she couldn’t move her fingers. That made her shout
and cry. She didn’t know what had happened to
her. She just understood that she worked too hard
lately. She felt tired all the time and no matter how
much she rested, she still felt sleepy and achy all
Lupus is a disease that involves the immune
system. Almost 90% of those diagnosed with
lupus are female.
Her parents took her to a doctor. The doctor
couldn’t tell them anything before Erna had
a blood test. Then, he sent her for blood tests and
yesterday Erna got the result. She and her
parents were shocked knowing that Erna may
have lupus.
Adopted from:
lupus.html (March 12, 2015)
Task A
1. sistem kekebalan 2. zat, bahan
3. kuman 4. terlalu bersemangat
5. menyebabkan 6. menyerang
7. kaku 8 membengkokkan
9. berteriak 10. akhir-akhir ini
11. beristirahat 12. mengantuk
13. rasa sakit 14. melibatkan
15 hasil
Task B
The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 3–5–1–4–2.
D. Complete the text with the correct questions from the
1. d 2. g 3. a 4. c 5. f 6. b
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
a. Why do we need to drink water?
b. Do people need less water when the weather is cold?
c. Can we drink too much water?
d. Can we get the water we need from other drinks or food?
e. How much water do we need to drink a day?
f. Do coke and coffee make us dehydrated?
1. _____________________________________________
We all know that our bodies need water. Water cleanses
our bodies, controls our temperature and helps to keep
us healthy. About 70% of our bodies is water.
2. _____________________________________________
We often read that we need to drink at least eight glasses
of water a day (about two liters). The idea probably came
from mineral water companies! In fact, how much water
we need depends on the weather and on what we’re
doing. When we feel hot, or if we do sport or exercise,
we need to drink more. A few experts say that in normal
conditions, we only need about one liter a day.
3. _____________________________________________
No. Even when temperatures are very low, we need to
drink more than on a normal day. This is because we
wear a lot of clothes so we sweat a lot and lose water.
4. _____________________________________________
Yes, of course. We get water from food, especially fruit
and vegetables (an apple is 85% water, an onion is
87%). We can also get water from other drinks like fruit
juice, coffee and colas, which contain a lot of water.
5. _____________________________________________
No. In experiments in America several people drank only
water and other people drank water, cola and coffee.
Their levels of hydration were more or less the same.
6. _____________________________________________
No. It can be dangerous to drink a lot of water. Recently
a British actor nearly died after drinking eight liters of
water a day for several months.
Adopted from: Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, and Paul Seligson,
New English File Elementary Student’s Book, Oxford, Oxford University
Press, 2009.
1. a 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. f 6. c
10 Reports
A. Find the meanings of the following words.
1. scratch = ________________
2. sign = ________________
3. to contract = ________________
4. fur = ________________
5. to pet = ________________
6. to rub = ________________
7. to recall = ________________
8. injury = ________________
9. treatment = ________________
10. severe = ________________
B. Write sentences using the words in Task A.
Share your work with your friends.
C. Complete the text with the suitable words from the box.
Then, read it in turns.
a. vomitting b. transmit
c. disease d. symptoms
e. bitten f. immune system
g. caused by h. antibiotics
i. sever j. a few weeks
Cat scratch disease is an infection (1) ________
bacteria known as Bartonella henselae. Although about 40%
of cats carry the bacteria in their saliva at some points in their
lives, cats that carry Bartonella henselae do not themselves
show any signs of illness. Most people contract the disease
after being scratched or (2) ________ by a cat.
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
I have had (1. have) three different homes since I was
bom. My family and I lived in a small flat for the first five
years of my life, then we moved to a larger one after my
sister was born. My parents ________ (2. live) there since
then and don’t want to move anywhere else because they
love the area.
I moved out when I got engaged and I ________
(3. live) in a small house near the Danube for the last seven
years. My husband and I ________ (4. be married) for
almost five years now and we will be expecting our second
child soon.
I ________ (5. be) a professional photographer for
almost six years and I love it. I worked for Newsweek for four
years and I have been a freelance since I left. I much prefer
working for myself, although I miss all the fun of working in
an office—and the gossip—of course!
Adopted from: Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File
Pre-Intermediate Workbook, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ?.
1. have had 2. have lived
3. have lived 4. have been married
5. have been
E. Complete the text with the correct verb forms.
Number one has been done for you.
1. have been 2. have done
3. have practiced 4. have taught
5. have studied 6. have tried
7. has told 8. has lent
9. have learned 10. have showed
F. Present a report text about a disease.
Find any information as a reference.
Kegiatan ini sebaiknya dijadikan pekerjaan rumah agar
peserta didik leluasa mengerjakannya.
1. Peserta didik diminta mencari teks report tentang suatu
2. Peserta didik diminta mencatat kosakata baru dan
mencari artinya.
3. Peserta didik diminta menceritakan kembali penyakit
tersebut, misalnya menggunakan Power Point.
4. Peserta didik secara sukarela tunjuk jari dan ke depan
kelas menyampaikan hasil tulisannya.
5. Peserta didik yang lain diminta menyimak dan memberi
masukan tentang hasil presentasi temannya, misalnya
tentang keras lembut suara, intonasi, dan mimik wajah.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengevaluasi hasil presentasi peserta
didik dan memberi nilai, serta tetap memotivasi peserta
didik agar selalu aktif dalam pembelajaran.
Contoh jawaban:
Eczema (EG-zih-mah) is a long-lasting skin condition that
can come and go. The skin becomes extremely itchy, red, scaly
and irritated. Eczema can appear on many parts of the body,
depending on age. The most common form of eczema is atopic
dermatitis (ay-TOP-ick dur-ma-TIE-tiss).
People of any age could catch it, but it often affects infants
and young children.
Eczema doesn’t spread from person to person. Instead,
it tends to run in families. Most people who suffer from eczema
have a history of eczema, hay fever or asthma in their families.
No one really knows what causes eczema (atopic
dermatitis). We also know that eczema can get worse. When
eczema gets worse, it is called a flare-up. A flare-up occurs when
the immune system in people’s skin overreacts to environmental
or emotional triggers. This reaction results in symptoms such as
Adopted from:
(March 6, 2015)
A. Complete the text with the suitable words from the box.
Then, read it in turns.
1. g 2. d 3. i 4. b 5. l
6. h 7. j 8. f 9. a 10. e
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in
Task A.
1. It’s about pollution.
2. It is caused by men’s activities.
3. Five. They are air, soil/earth, water, environment and noise
4. When it is contaminated by non-biodegradable products in
waste material.
5. It means ‘consider’, ‘regard as’ or ‘think of’.
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 11
Since the bacteria may also be present on cat fur, it is
possible to contract the (3) ________ from petting a cat and
then rubbing your eyes. Kittens are more prone to carry the
bacteria and to (4) ________ the infection to humans. People
who get cat scratch disease do not recall ever being
scratched or bitten by a cat.
For people with a normal (5) ________, cat scratch
disease is usually not a serious illness. A small papule
(a little raised lump) develops at the site of the injury within
10 days. The signs and symptoms that follow may include
fever, chills, nausea, (6) ________, fatigue and inflammation
and soreness of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis). As the
disease progresses, more nodules may develop under the
skin at the site of the injury.
Most cases of cat scratch disease are self-limited,
meaning that they resolve on their on without specific
treatment. That usually occurs within (7) ________. If the
lymph nodes remain persistently inflamed or if the illness is
very severe, your doctor may prescribe (8) ________.
Adopted from:
(March 19, 2015)
D. Answer the questions based on the text in Task C.
1. What is the text about?
2. What is it caused by?
3. Where is the bacteria found in the cat?
4. What will happen to a person who contracts the disease?
5. “If the lymph nodes remain persistently inflamed or if the
illness is very severe, ....” (Paragraph 4)
What does ‘remain’ mean?
Task A
1. cakaran 2. tanda
3. mengidap 4. bulu
5. mengelus-elus 6. menggosok, mengusap
7. mengingat kembali 8. luka
9. pengobatan 10. parah
Task B (Contoh jawaban)
1. What’s wrong with your shoulder? There is a scratch
on it.
2. Easily feeling sleepy is a sign of being fatigued, right?
3. I suggest you keep away from cats because you may
contract a serious illness, such as toxoplasmosis.
4. Kids love playing with cats, especially caressing their
soft fur, although it may cause dangerous diseases.
5. Why are you fond of petting cats? It’s not good for your
health, you know.
6. Stop rubbing your eyes when dirt irritates them.
7. When people get older, they will not easily recall their
memories. Do you agree?
8. Please cover your injury using this bandage.
9. Ms. Rosma suggests I have medical treatment in order
to prevent infection.
10. Your skin rash looks severe. Why don’t you see a doctor
for proper medication?
Task C
1. g 2. e 3. c 4. b
5. f 6. a 7. j 8. h
Task D
1. It’s about cat scratch disease.
2. It is caused by bacteria known as Bartonella henselae.
3. In its saliva and fur.
4. He/she will have fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, fatigue
and inflammation and soreness of the lymph nodes
5. It means ‘persist’.
C. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
1. B 2. A 3. E 4. D 5. C
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
The general definition of obesity is a chronic condition
defined by an excess amount of body fat. A certain amount of
body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation,
shock absorption and other functions. The normal amount of
body fat (expressed as percentage of body fat) is between
25%–30% in women and 18%–23% in men. Women with over
30% body fat and men with over 25% body fat are considered
The calculation of body mass index (BMI) has also been
used in the definition of obesity. The body mass index (BMI)
equals a person’s weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their
height in meters (m) squared. Since BMI describes body
weight relative to height, it is strongly correlated with total
body fat content in adults. “Obesity” is defined as a BMI of
30 and above.
What are the health risks associated with obesity?
Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration; it is a dire health
dilemma directly harmful to one’s health. For patients with
a BMI over 40, life expectancy is reduced significantly (as
much as 20 years for men and 5 years for women). Obesity
also increases the risk of developing a number of chronic
diseases including insulin resistance, high blood pressure
(hypertension), heart attack, cancer and diabetes (type 2).
What causes obesity? The balance between calorie intake
and energy expenditure determines a person’s weight.
If a person eats more calories than he or she burns, the person
gains weight (the body will store the excess energy as fat).
If a person eats fewer calories than he or she metabolizes, he
or she will lose weight. Therefore, the most common
causes of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity.
Adopted from:
(March 19, 2015)
1. What is the text about?
A. Obesity.
B. Normal weight.
C. A body mass index.
D. Common causes of obesity.
E. The health risks associated with obesity.
2. What is one of the benefits of body fat mentioned in the
A. Heat release. B. Food reserve.
C. Energy resource. D. Heat insulation.
E. Power resource.
3. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. What obesity is.
B. The causes of obesity.
C. The way to control body fat.
D. The way to prevent from obesity.
E. People who are likely exposed to obesity.
4. Which disease is NOT caused by obesity?
A. Cancer.
B. Hypertension.
C. Heart attack.
D. Insulin resistance.
E. Severe headaches.
12 Reports
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memberikan soal berikut.
1. a. We arrived at that big house a few minutes ago.
b. It belongs to Mr. Sampurna.
2. a. Ayu is famous now.
b. She has a beautiful voice.
3. a. Bu Murni’s food stall is beside the post office.
b. We have lunch there occasionally.
4. a. This is the park in my city.
b. We usually spend Sunday morning there.
5. a. The boy just arrived.
b. He is my cousin.
1. We arrived at that big house which belongs to Mr.
Sampurna a few minutes ago.
2. Ayu whose voice is beautiful is famous now.
3. Bu Murni’s food stall where we occasionally have
lunch is beside the post office.
4. This is the park in my city where we usually spend
Sunday morning.
5. The boy who just arrived is my cousin.
5. “... the person gains weight (the body will store the
excess energy as fat).” (Last paragraph)
What is the similar meaning of ‘to gain’?
A. To lose. B. To absorb.
C. To store. D. To increase.
E. To set.
1. A. Gambaran umum teks tersebut disimpulkan dari
kalimat pertama paragraf satu, ”The general
definition of obesity is a chronic condition defined by
an excess amount of body fat.” yang artinya
”Pengertian umum obesitas yaitu kondisi kronis yang
disebabkan oleh jumlah lemak tubuh yang
berlebihan.”. Jadi, teks tersebut tentang obesitas
(obesity), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A).
2. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena sesuai dengan
kalimat kedua paragraf satu, ”... body fat is
necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock
absorption, ....” yang artinya ”... lemak tubuh
penting untuk menyimpan tenaga, isolasi panas,
penyerapan kejutan/getaran, ....”. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain salah; (A) artinya melepaskan panas,
(B) artinya cadangan makanan, (C) artinya sumber
energi, dan (E) artinya sumber tenaga.
3. B. Pikiran utama paragraf terakhir disimpulkan pada
kalimat pertama paragraf tersebut, ”What causes
obesity?” yang artinya ”Apa penyebab obesitas?”.
Jadi, pikiran utama paragraf terakhir tentang
penyebab obesitas, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban
4. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) yang artinya sakit kepala yang
parah, benar untuk soal pengecualian karena tidak
disebutkan di dalam teks. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah karena disebutkan dalam kalimat terakhir
paragraf tiga, ”Obesity also increases the risk of
developing a number of chronic diseases including
insulin resistance, high blood pressure
(hypertension), heart attack, cancer and diabetes
(type 2).” yang artinya ”Obesitas juga meningkatkan
risiko peningkatan sejumlah penyakit kronis
termasuk resistensi terhadap insulin, tekanan darah
tinggi (hipertensi), serangan jantung, kanker, dan
diabetes (tipe 2).”.
5. D. Kata ’to gain’ artinya memperoleh atau mendapat.
Kata yang mempunyai arti sama dengan kata
tersebut yaitu ’to increase’, sesuai dengan pilihan
jawaban (D). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
karena maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya menghilangkan,
(B) artinya menyerap, (C) artinya
menyimpan, dan (E) artinya menyetel atau
A. Write five sentences using present
perfect tense.
Share your work with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
1. The students have done their experiments for half an hour.
2. We have stayed in Griya Prima Housing Estate since 2009.
3. I haven’t met my old friends since graduation.
4. Has the principal delivered his speech?
5. The children has prepared everything for the vacation
B. Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence
using an adjective clause.
1. Awan who wears glasses looks smart.
2. The girl whose hair is long and black is a rising star.
3. The helmet that/which has double lenses and many
stickers is Rosi’s.
4. I didn’t know the time when my cousin and his family
moved to Kupang.
5. The new restaurant at Jalan Padang number 9 which/that
Yona and her family went to yesterday serves delicious food.
C. Write a report text.
It can be about trees, animals, buildings
or natural phenomena.
Share your work with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
There is no need to go into a long description of the many
uses to which plastics have been put to. Probably not a day goes
by in our lives when we don’t use or touch a plastic product.
Plastics have many unique properties which make them
very useful for special purposes. They resist the flow of
electricity, they insulate against heat, they are light in weight
and wear extremely well. It is also possible to make them
Plastic is such a good insulator that it is used to cover
copper wires in every day household wiring. Tools such as
screwdrivers, which may be used on electrical appliances, have
plastic handles to provide insulation for the electrician in case
the current is accidentally switched on.
Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me How?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.