Book Review: Pengurus MOS harus Mati (Johan Series #2) by Lexie Xu
Edition Details:
- Audiobook: Storytel
- Narrator: Jessy Milianti
- Publisher: PT. Grameda Pustaka Utama, February 2015
- Indonesian Edition: 304 pages
- My Rating: 3 of 5 stars★★★☆☆
Initially, everything seemed fantastic. I was enjoying a fun holiday with my friend Jenny in Singapore when my new boyfriend Benji, the head of the student council, called me back because I was chosen to be one of the organizers of Orientation Week. Wow! Chosen as a member of the elite team and given the chance to torture new students? Who wouldn't want that?
But everything turned out not as glamorous as I imagined. Even before anything started, our meetings were terrorized by a troublesome guy who didn't advance to the next grade, despises me, and loves embarrassing me. Seriously, a guy who deserves a punch in the face.
Things got worse when Benji asked us to invent fake horror stories about our school. The intention was to scare the new students. Little did we know, these fake horror stories began to come true. One by one, the organizers experienced inexplicable accidents. At the peak of it all, my life was almost taken away.
What caused these accidents? Was it the curse of the fabricated horror stories turned against us? Or perhaps a new student seeking revenge?
If so, why do all the clues point to Jenny?
The first book in this series left a strong impression with its chilling descriptions and nightmarish scenarios. The second book continues to maintain this level of horror. Some characters from the first book reappear, such as Jenny, who is Hanny's best friend. Additionally, there are mentions of characters from another series by the same author, Leslie, who appears in the second book of the Omen Series.
The mystery was quite engaging, although I didn't find the horror aspects particularly scary. What was unsettling was how the fake horror stories turned into reality, even capturing them on video! That was genuinely creepy. I had a hunch about who the culprit was, not necessarily from the clues scattered throughout the book but based on the predictable storyline. Maybe because I've read similar stories by this author or others. Despite that, there was a plot twist that caught me off guard, but it wasn't enough to completely surprise me.
One thing that bothered me was the main character's tendency to swear internally too often. Although the language was relatively tame, it became too predictable and somewhat boring. Moreover, I didn't particularly like all the characters in the book. Hanny came off as too much of a drama queen, and Franky was overly flirty. Their flirtations sometimes felt cringeworthy. Maybe I'm just getting older; it might not be my thing anymore! Hahaha...
Overall, this series is thrilling and spooky. I intend to continue reading it, but not immediately. I'll take a break with some other readings first.